Inspired by Ms Helga to do an Olympics themed style shoot.. I donned my red white and blue.
I do believe the NZ flag should not actually be red white and blue, but it is. Plus, Team GB are doing a terrific job, and London is defo doing the job as hosts.
PLus I am half english, you know.
Me Dad is a Londoner..
The events I am participating in this year are:
The watching marathon.
It's quite exhausting.
The washing and folding duathlon.
Here I am NOT doing very well.
My necklace has mussel shells on it.
Because, well, all athletes have muscles you know.
I am actually a gold medal winner in Breastfeeding. I practise a lot.
Have done for years on and off. That's why gravity isn't my friend, as you can see in this pic.
Baby wearing/weightlifting.
In the old days they called this
Strong Woman contest.
I need to work on the putting-clothes-back-in the-closet and Cleaning-the-mirror events.
Planking is probably my favourite discipline right now. chance would be a fine thing.
So there we go. Olympic champion. Half dressed of course, coz that's where I'm at right now!
Dress: thrifted a LONG time ago. Cardy: from a charity shop in London Necklaces x2: Fiji, handmade by a lovely woman(my dad used to live there and I used to visit him there.) I couldn't work out which looked best with the dress. I think the white. They are both symbolic of the fact that I am down here in the Pacific at this end of the world. Yet some of our athletes still manage to get a medal or 2 Yayar! Beige and brown trackies (retro Golden Breed) : op shop of course Slippers: from my mother-in-law!!!!
Total cost of what I'm wearing would be about $3 I'd say.
hHappy dDays..
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