13 June 2011

Sad for Christchurch + My First Award

This morning I'm thinking about friends and family in Christchurch.
So unfair.

And all the other places that have to endure disasters 
like earthquakes, floods, tornadoes etc..
We feel very lucky here in Hamil-vegas, NZ.

On a lighter note:

I am thrilled to be given this award by one of my favourite blogarillos.
Thanks to Sarah at  MISFITS VINTAGE, one of the funniest and funkiest gals out there in Blogland..

(This award was apparently started in Germany and is good for SHARING THE BLOG LOVE
when it is nominated to bloggers that have under 100 followers. )

So I'm going to continue sharing the love with the other rookie (maybe?) 
 blogs that are rocking my world right now!

If y'all want to accept the award, all you have to do is 

Happy Days!


Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Congrats - some great choices there!

zigsma said...

Thanks so much!! Lotsa liebster!

Max said...

Congrats darling *air kisses both cheeks* Well deserved and the first of many I'm sure. Thank you for passing it on, though your great choices may make it hard for me to pick new people as I love all those ones too!!!

1000 Homes of Happiness said...

Congrats on your award! Very well deserved.

Sad news indeed...our thoughts are with all those in Christchurch xoxox

Lightly Enchanted said...

congratulations on your award and thank-you so much for sending one my way... :D

Judith said...

Ahhh, that's so sweet, my first award. Congratulations on yours and thank you for mine. xx

The barefoot lifting witch said...

Congrats!! Well deserved x

Florence said...

Félicitations Op Shop Mama on your award. You do have a great blog, and the way you are going, with your energy, personality and great collections and finds each week, you are only going to get more and more people looking at your blog and following it.
Thank you so much for choosing me (and the others) as well. First award for me, what with my 8 followers (!!) I feel delighted. It's all so much fun and excitement this blogging world. I love it. So merci, merci et encore merci.
Just a question: what am I supposed to do now? I see you have the Liebster Blog heart logo, how does that all work? Thank you for helping me here, I feel such like a debutante!! xxx