For those of you who haven't worked it out...
Most of my clothing is from op shops, and that of my kids!
This has been the case since I was about 15, when I caught the op-shopping/garage sale-ing bug!
Clothing kids DOES NOT have to be expensive.
(I also inherit a lot of stuff for the kids from wonderful sisters, sisters-in-law and friends, which is SO cool and lucky..)
I don't claim to be a style guru by ANY stretch, but I would like to say (in case you didn't already know!) that cool things can be found...
Lots of my blogging buddies are op/chaz/thrift shoppers, but this is for those who aren't!
And we can help charities and save the planet, one garment at a time!
I have been asked a few times for my top op-shopping tips .. I will put a post together about this asap!
This recipe is from the fabulous Julie Le Clerc (of Garnet Rd Foodstore cafe in aucks..
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So good. And easy peasy lemon squeezy! |
Lemon Slice
Crust: 1 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 caster sugar and 150g butter, cubed.
Pulse the flour and sugar in your food processor to sift, then add the butter till you get breadcrumb texture. Press over a lined tin (20 x 30cm)
Bake 15mins (till golden) @ 180 celsius.
* Remove, reduce oven to 140 deg.
4 large eggs
1 3/4 cups caster sugar
finely grated zest of 3 lemons
2/3 c lemon juice
1/3 cup flour, seived.
Whisk eggs and sugar together till very thick and pale. Fold in juice, zest, then flour. Pour over crust and bake 40mins or until set.
Cool completely and chop it up! dust with icing sugar if ya want!
YAY! I do not understand people who pay full retail for stuff they can get at op shops. But I'm glad they do, otherwise there wouldn't be enough for US to pick up awesome charity bargains and be fabulous super stylish uber babes in our awesome vintage treasures! You have some spectacular frocks and your kids always look fab too. Sarah xxx
MMMMMMM! Thanks so much for this recipe - I shall nag Alice to make it for me, and I'll let you know how it turns out with gluten free flour.
Sarah xxx
Love all the pics of you, you are one cool mama! You look amazing in your close-up shots.
Of course you are preaching to the choir with me, but I am always amazed at what some people will pay for stuff. And not even good stuff... I am always kitted out in charity shopped/secondhand clothes, and so are my kids. Like you, I get all sorts handed down from friends, and pass my kids' clothes on to other people too, it all goes around. And I think we all look great!
I'm going to make those lemon slices, they look so delicious. xxx
Indeed,clothing oneself and ones family does NOT need to be expensive!There's not much you can't get secondhand,and it IS green!Hurrah!
Thanks for the recipe OSM - and the cool pics! cheers Wendy
OP shopping is the best addiction I have and I never wish to be cured!!! We should meet!! :-)
Yes! Op shopping is great. It's so much cheaper and more fun than shopping at the mall. That lemon slice looks delicious.
You & your gorgeous kids are a shining example of how no-one needs to buy new stuff. I can't believe how anyone can pay full price for kids clothes. xxx
I'm with you on second-hand style...I guess one day my wee man might ask why he never gets anything new! But for now, that's the way we roll.
Slice looks delish! Off op-shopping now x
I buy most clothes second hand and I'd have a blast looking for childern's clothes too. Not sure I'd find anything as wonderful as that psychedellic dress though!!
Keep up the great op shopping promotion lady! I am often perplexed at people's attitudes towards buying and wearing/using something second hand. Perhaps coming from the viewpoint of saving the planet & environment may get through to some... and of course, the awesome finds at op shops are also great promotion too! heehee Kel :)
Hey Op Shop Mama,
Love the gorgeous pictures of you and your children in second hand gear.
I remember when I was a kid my mum would always buy me second hand clothing but I would refuse to wear it! I thought I looked pretty ‘uncool’.
How the times have changed, now I’m an avid op shopper however I’m pretty new to the game.
I’d love to get my younger brother (10) and sister (13) Into OP shopping. I think it’s important to teach them to buy locally, to support charity and to recycle.
Not only that but every time I go into an op shop I spy tons of unloved toys, books and clothes in great condition, that would love a home!
However I’m not sure they will be interested because they will think it’s ‘uncool’.
My question to you is how did you persuade your children that second hand clothing is ‘cool’?
Childrens clothing is extremely expensive these days and retailers are cashing in,
do you think more parents should get secondhand involved rather than forking out the big buks for brand name clothes?
I’d love to hear your opinion.
Thanks for you time op shop mama.
Hey Op Shop Mama,
Love the gorgeous pictures of you and your children in second hand gear.
I remember when I was a kid my mum would always buy me second hand clothing but I would refuse to wear it! I thought I looked pretty ‘uncool’.
How the times have changed, now I’m an avid op shopper however I’m pretty new to the game.
I’d love to get my younger brother (10) and sister (13) Into OP shopping. I think it’s important to teach them to buy locally, to support charity and to recycle.
Not only that but every time I go into an op shop I spy tons of unloved toys, books and clothes in great condition, that would love a home!
However I’m not sure they will be interested because they will think it’s ‘uncool’.
My question to you is how did you persuade your children that second hand clothing is ‘cool’?
Childrens clothing is extremely expensive these days and retailers are cashing in,
do you think more parents should get secondhand involved rather than forking out the big buks for brand name clothes?
I’d love to hear your opinion.
Thanks for you time op shop mama.
hello blogger! loving your blog! i too am obsessed with op shopping.
im a third year photography student aged 20 who is actually doing a project on sustainable fashion. please check out my blog! keep posting! :)
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