I'm still here!
37 weeks of baby inside me and pretty uncomfortable..
But feeling fine otherwise!
There has been a lot going on, so blogging continues to take a back seat... I imagine when the baby is here and I'm boob feeding many hours a day/night I might get a chance to sit at a screen and multi-task...Maybe!
Here are a few snaps of things going on lately..
Iris in one of my frocks and my shoes (obvs) She is still the queen of the dress ups. |
A velvet dress I remember wearing to school when I was 17. It's just so lovely, comfy and handmade.. And I remember the exact op shop at which I bought it, for 50c. |
Dress Up Girl again, who has also learnt to pose pretty well! Wearing a gold lurex top of mine as a dress. Bless. |
Sometimes I let her have access to my brooch collection... |
My nephew David on his way to the Commonwealth Games - very exciting. He's a boxer. (Not my favourite sport, but I'll force myself to watch it!) He is one of the nicest 18 year olds it is possible to meet, by the way. Just saying. (And see what I mean about Iris + posing?!) |
ARlo is just the cutest age. And I always find it amazing how they look so little and cute - UNTIL the baby arrives! Then they all of a sudden look like great monster toddlers. Bless him. He has no idea what is just around the corner.. |
Gawd that's a massive bump! My favourite thing to do though. SIt. Read. Ignore everything else! |
Excuse the face! That's my 'I'm a bit over it' face..