a moment to put up a post about my recent arrival.
As you will see things have been a bit hectic around here.
LAST preggy selfies.. |
39 weeks. |
Bags packed.. |
STANLEY ED Wednesday 6th August 2014 10lb 1oz |
This is me and Stan yesterday. Four hours after he was born I noticed a few things that were different about him.. And suddenly I knew that he has Down Syndrome.
Obviously this was a shock to us, and since then we have been on a bit of a whirlwind rollercoaster ride of emotion and learning. Stan is still in NICU and, heartbreakingly, I am spending my nights at home and my days with him. He is learning to feed and is oxygen dependent as his muscle tone develops. We are at the start of a very different, interesting, challenging and new journey. We know this guy is going to bring us a lot of happiness and joy. He is a precious little taonga (treasure) and we can't wait to get him home.
x OP SHOPPERS IN HAMILTON - Get into it! You'll have no competition from me coz I won't be op shopping for a while!!!
Congratulations! He is just lovely.... What a precious soul you've been given! Can't wait to see more pics :-)
Congratulations on the birth of beautiful Stanley. He is just divine. I hope he'll be home soon & that you all adjust to a new little soul in the household. Xx
Congratulations to all of you! Awww look at the gorgeous wee man, isn't he just delightful?! I love love love babies. I hope Stanley Ed will be well enough to come home with you very soon, it must be so difficult being away from him during the night. Take care of yourself. x
He is a blessing, a fellow blogger has a beautiful daughter called Natty, she too has DS and has enhanced everyone's life. Her blog is called downside up and the mum is called Hayley. Congratulations and he is a wonderful addition to your beautiful family.
Congratulations, Linda and family, on the arrival of the gorgeous Stanley. How difficult these early days must be while you are separated (Nina was also in the NICU for a while when she was born, and Simon and I took turns being at the hospital overnight - it was soooo hard, especially with the other 2 kids being upset and anxious too.) BUT that will be over soon, and I'm looking forward to hearing about Stan's homecoming, into the bosom of his adoring family! Sure, there's a journey to go on here, but he'll lead the way! Sending much love to you all. xxxx
Congratulations to all of you! Stanley is gorgeous and what a cool choice of name, too. xxxxxx
Congratulations. Stanley will have endless love from your beautiful family. x
Congrats on your beautiful little Stanley! I hope you are able to bring him home soon.
Congratulations .. Stanley is gorgeous. If you have a chance, one of my favourite blogs (other than yours of course!) is . Kelle talks honestly about and beautifully photographs her family, including her daughter Nelle who also has Downes syndrome. Best wishes for the challenges and joys that the next months and years will bring.
Congratulations Linda XXX He is a beautiful little treasure indeed. I do hope you can bring him home soon it must be so hard leaving him every day. I'm imagining you probably have lots of helping hands round you, but if there's anything I can do, please yell. All my love, Lib X
Congratulations! What a beautiful boy. Oh Linda, it must be so hard to have to leave the hospital without him every night! I am hoping and praying that his breathing becomes stronger soon and that he can join the rest of your lovely family at home again! xx
Congratulations!!!! I hope you are both at home together soon and you all get to enjoy your new addition! xxxx
Congratulations, he is lovely and you obviously incubated him well 10 pounds!!! I hope the stay in NICU is short and he is home soon with you.
Congrats on your beautiful little treasure, Stanley,and I hope that he is home with you all soon. XXX
You've got lovely pictures again, all the best to Stan, welcome to the world little one xxx
I'm in the "10 pound" club too! Big congratulations lovely. Adore his name. He is going to be one very loved little man. xoxo
Your children are all so gorgeous, you do have beautiful babies and Stanley is no exception. He is a very lucky wee man to be in your big loving family, and I look forward to meeting him one day. When you are ready and able to go back out op shopping we should get together, it would be my pleasure to do the rounds with you, Lovely Linda! Take care of yourself and your dear family.
Wow! Congratulations, what a beautiful boy. Life has taken a different turn for you, and while it won't all be fun, I can honestly promise it will be amazing in ways you can't imagine right now. Lots of love xoxox
What a big pretty baby!! Hopefully you'll be to have him home soon!
Congratulations Linda! Hope the wee man is doing well and that you get him home soon x Welcome to the world Stanley xxx
Congratulations! With five children I hope you will have time to keep on blogging. Stanley is a wee cutie.
Congratulations mama. I know that horrible feeling of being seperated from your newborm. My first was in NICU for 2 weeks. I hope you get to bring him home soon and start adjusting to family life with your new addition. Can't wait to hear how he's doing xxx
many congratulations on stanley's arrival. Sorry to hear you are in NICU, I hope its not too long till he comes home to the whanau
congratulations on your beautiful son....he's gorgeous...hope he will be home soon!lots of love from london,maggie w.
Congrats to you and all the family on the new edition! Welcome Stanley.
Congratulations on the birth of little Stanley. Stan the man!
You must try to watch this new little docoumentary:
In a nutshell it is about three young adults (two with Down Syndrome), moving out of home and living independently for the first time. I am sure it will make your spirit soar. In fact I KNOW it will!
I haven't been here for a while but I just wanted to say congratulations on the safe arrival of your beautiful boy Stanley. A new journey for you but one that will be filled with love. Take lots of care, dee x
Congratulations and welcome to Stanley. My thoughts are with you and hopefully he will be ready to come home soon.
Oh well done and congratulations to you and your beautiful family!! I do hope wee Stanley will be making only a short hospital stay, he will be so loved and cherished by his big brothers and sisters - just look at their faces! xoxoxox
Congratulations, I just love his name and I do hope that by the time you read this he is home now with you and your lovely family. xx
Congrats and all the best for your beautiful boy! x
Congratulations on your new beautiful baby boy and addition to your family. What an amazing feat and luckily you have so many little hands willing to help you out.
I hope little Stanley can come home soon and you can all settle in as a family.
Take care and hope you are spoilt by everyone.
a big hug from Patagonia
Congratulations :)
My goodness! A new wee babe? I misread the weight and for a microsecond thought it said 101 lbs. I'm happy for you and your family. I hope baby Stan gets home ASAP!
Congratulations on your beautiful new bub xx
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