Here I am.
Just before Christmas, me and my little elf. |
I haven't blogged much lately have I ?!! and along with technical issues (3 year old drops laptop - TWICE /internet issues etc!) I haven't got around to doing another post since my last...
Then a couple of weeks ago ANOTHER op shop here in Hamilton closed its doors for the last time.
The day before this op-shop shut down. Apparently the rent is too steep in the main drag of town. Boo Hiss. |
I have decided that I need to do my bit by continuing this blog, and trying to reaffirm my stance via this blog that op shopping is good for the world.
For communities.
For your soul!!!
(Coz life is a crazy, beautiful treasure hunt!)
I want to do my bit by promoting the op shops, op shopping, a more thrifty lifestyle, reducing/re-using/recycling etc...
This op shop closed down a few months ago, sadly. It was the LAST ONE that I remember from when I was a teenager.. has been there for YEARS and years.. |
So maybe if somebody googles OP SHOPS HAMILTON NEW ZEALAND they might find me here - and MAYBE I can inspire them to get out amongst it!
I am going to do an info page up above with a kind of directory of Hamilton op shops too - in case it might be useful.
And I HAVE been doing a bit of op shopping in the last 18ish months, and photographing MOST of the purchases - I think I'll have to start by working backwards!
To my faithful readers who might still be there, waiting for a new post - Hi again! Thanks for waiting! There are still a few thousand views every month surprisingly! I am looking forward to re-connecting with some of my blog mates again too.. I often think of y'all, despite not gawking at your blogs much!
Happy Days!