So I'm a collector, That's not a revelation and it's a bit of an understatement!
I am not a hoarder in the keep-every-newspaper-you've-ever-read-and-dig-a-channel-to-get-from-room-to-room kind of sense.. but I tend to collect, a bit like a magpie..
I'm attracted to gorgeous things.. and I've been acquiring and gathering stuff I adore since I was about 15. My Mum used to be endlessly fascinated after I came back from a carefree morning of Garage Sale-ing.. :o)
is to document in photos my collections, one every week. I recon it will be a year or so before I run out of material!!
What I hope to get back, apart from the enjoyment of sorting and compiling and photographing.. will be that I want to see if having done that I might then be able to let some stuff go.. justify the piles of stuff a bit.. and maybe find better ways to manage and store the stuff.
I'm not totally worried about my collecting habits, and I'm not going to stop collecting.. but SORTING would be good!!!!!!!
SIFTER CITY Collection #1
Not a great photo of me.. but this is my sifter collection on display at the annual Collectors' Expo here in Hamilton a few years ago. I won a very gorgeous kitsch rosette for the 1st prize in the Kiwiana section... :o) |
The sifters are mainly PROPERT brand or TALA brand, and most of them originate from NZ or Australia. I would LOVE to get my hands on some US made ones.. all cute and kitcheny with little designs incorporating apple pies and cherries... LOVE!
I never saw a single one of these when I was in the UK! |