25 June 2013

Hunted and Gathered last week..

 More stuff from last week...

I can never pass a plastic woven basket.. 50c

Royal Vale polka dot plate.. 50c
Crown Lynn.. Kirikiriroa Marae.. Kirikiriroa is the other name of Hamilton..


Cute plate.. 20c

The last day at Assisi Op Shop... everything was $3 and under.. so I got a few things of course..
This coat was $3.. and I got it just in the nick of time..

the temperature plummeted the following day and it really feels like winter now!!

Happy Days

Linking up to
Op Shop Show-off
A Living Space
Apron Thrift Girl


Max said...

The marae plate is really something-looks like hotelware, but for the marae-so special! And cant beat a cosy coat, that storm was full on!

thimble said...

love the woven basket!

Fiona said...

I love the basket too, can't be bad for fifty cents!

Vintage Bird Girl said...

Lol trust you to pick up another woven basket. Gorgeous coat & of course you couldn't resist some frockage too. Xx

fabriquefantastique said...

I love oping when I am in NZ, but I have to limit myself to scarves, old knitting patterns and wool that I can use when I am there. Next year I might seriously get into sewing patterns,
The Marae plate is something special....

Anonymous said...

You seriously get funds for insane prices. Even at a op shop here were they price well and to help the community a coat like that would be a lot, lot more then $3.

Unknown said...

That coat is fab and certainly looks warm!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Great finds again :D The coat looks really warm. A shame about Asissi, I alwsys found them about too pricey really, probably their downfall in the end.

Anonymous said...

Those doilies should make for some interesting projects :)

Jess B said...

I LOVE the jacket - I'm a little bit jealous! I've been meaning to visit the oppies to look for a nice warm jacket to fit over my bump (and subsequent bulge, for the rest of winter!) - you beat me to it! I'm sure there'll be plenty of others for me to find. Oppies, here I come! (Any recommendations for good coat selection?)

bonsaimum said...

Love the coat. :)

two squirrels said...

Yay that is one fabulous coat.....winter happiness in that treasure.
One should always buy a polka-dot plate...its a rule......and at 50c even better.
love V

gabrielle said...

love a piece of Marae crown lynn, the boys Marae has some great pieces but have yet to find any in an Oppy

Indigo Violet said...

Spotted plates are so popular that thay are going for crazy money on TM - well spotted lol.

Tania said...

Oh I love it all. The coat sure was a bargain and I bet it is toasty warm :)
