When going to op shops and garage sales/jumble sales there are certain things that I NEVER pass by without at least having a gawk. And there are areas that I check out without fail...
I am quite selective these days (though not minimalist by any stretch! More is more!) believe it or not.
And if something stands out and I like it - and the price is right - I buy it! (well that's not rocket science!)
In no particular order:
1. Anything orange! It's easy to spot from afar - and I OFTEN like it!! |
2. I always have an eye out for old linen.. These are our pillow cases - (coz lots is NEVER enough, right?!) We are linen snobs - no polyester mixes for us!!! |
3. Anything Crochet.. I've said it before - I REALLY need to learn to do it myself! |
4. Any pattern like this! On a rack of clothes I can scan and spot a pattern I like a mile off! And if it's there I'll find it!! |
In fact, I don't usually hunt for clothes unless I'm on a specific clothes mission. I find that if there's something in the shop for me it will present itself to me. And like I say, I can usually spot it amidst the other stuff on the racks. Weird but true! |
5. Canisters and tins. I like kitsch and colourful ones. Obviously. |
6. I always look in a crockery section - in case I see something I like.. like Crown Lynn which we LOVE round here. |
7. Wool blankets. If they're cheap enough. We have great piles of them on the beds in winter. |
8. FABRIC piles always need a rummage through in case I find something that I like.
And one day I might even find time to do something with it!
9. Outdoor kitsch stuff. For sitting on or sitting under. Very Summer in the kiwi backyard!
What's your hunting style?
I went on a garage sale mission this morning. The first in MONTHS. And I took a few photos. Which will be the next post..
Weather is SUPREME right now.
I love SPRING.
Happy Days!
Thanks for all the lovely comments lately - I wish like mad I had a reply function ability thing on the comments form - then I could, well, reply!
I have a lot of commenting to get done myself - I will I will I will!! |
It's just as well I don't live in Hamilton because we seem to be drawn to the same things. I would love to have a rummage through your collections. That fabric stash is amazing!!! And I'm with you on the more is more policy. I say my home is filled with happy clutter. Xx
You are my absolute number one opshopping icon! Not only do you have great taste, but you clearly have an eye for detail and a great find. Hamilton is one of the few places in NZ that I am yet to opshop, but 4 of my flatmates are from there and they often wax lyrical about missing the great second-hand finds. Your fabric collection gives me some serious feelings, if you ever feel the need to purge it you know where to go! x
What amazing finds, I love your taste...so bright and colourful. And I'm not surprised you can't find the time for sewing with 5 kids! Have a great weekend. Rachel x
We have very similar taste! I love all of your treasures - and holy guacamole, I'm amazed that you have time for ANYTHING with five kiddos! Sarah xxx
Yes, I am relating to an awful lot of this. I'm so glad I'm not the only person who buys endless amounts of fabric and bedding just to hoard in piles in the cupboard. And colourful kitsch cannisters, yes please! x
My god!! Is that your fabric stash?! It's trying to take over the world!! I'm the same there's always certain things I never turn down. It's all about having the eye for stuff othersdon't see and then desperately grabbing it before they realise xxx
You DO have a sharp eye for the good stuff! Love all you've shown us. You'll get to that fabric at some point, it will keep!
My approach is fairly methodical, I tend to look at everything in turn, much to the impatience of less thorough charity shopping buddies - I take too long, apparently! I should clearly hunt solo... xxx
Without question I fancy everything you've shown. I have a poke through all those types of items. Vintage floral linens oh my yes one must never pass them up. As well as the goodies you've mentioned which I also find hard to resist. I'd have add nice brooches and a good mixed craft bag with old odd and ends trims, I have amazing little finds in those sorts of things, such as vintage swap cards.
Wow we are kindred spirits me , you and Sue, we will so have to have a meet up day, and you don't have to be called Sue lol! :D Your stash looks like mine only yours is MUCH bigger! ;-D And if you're serious about learning to crochet I'll teach you. You should bring your kids out to see my lambs, I'm bottle feeding one :D
Gawd,I'm drooling....
I think we have similar hunting style!And I firmly believe that if there is something waiting for me, it will present itself! And it usually does!I love opshopping SO much,it makes me really excited.As do all your divine cannisters..
That is by far the best collection of fabric I have EVER seen!! And true it is bigger than Sues!! I scan for colours I like, and I agree, things find me, I don't find them, you just have to keep your eyes open and your mind clear. FOCUS at all times. SuesDay is not only for Sues so you are always welcome to meet up and join in with us old birds, we will try not to embarrass you!!
Op-shops are like book shops, never too many and a wonderland inside.
love it!!! i always feel like hits the op-shops after reading your blog. i am still trying to get an idea of good pricing(on fri i went to one that was asking $2 for an embroidered hanky and $1.50 for a toy crane- missing the crane bit...WHAT??)and find a few little cheapy op-shops than i can make my regulars :)
Your collections are awe inspiring, I love all the crochet, that is something I need to learn to do too! I love your material stash, one day it'll all be sitting there waiting for you to do projects to your heart's content when the little ones are bigger and you have a bit more time to yourself.
I guess my shopping style is slow and steady because I like to look at all the sections, clothes, books, household etc. I often go with my hubby and he smokes so he goes outside for a fag break while I finish rummaging. xx
You truly are a girl after my own heart! Every single thing you collect is totally gorgeous and totally on my 'collection' list too!!!! Ah the 70's, what would we do without 'em?? Kel x
Love those colours! Ada :)
You always have the best op shop finds. I'm a bit like you. I'm attracted to anything bright and kitschy. You can never have enough crochet or colourful linen. I have that same orange floral hairdryer and case but mine has got a yellow background.
I have Fabric Stash Envy. It's a documented disease, didn't you know?
Ahhh, what an awesome post! Your hunting style resonates with me - orange, fabric, cannisters...it's all there! I am definitely the same with fabric/clothing patterns, I can spot what I will love from a mile away...that's after I've hit the bric a brac first! Kel x
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