11 September 2012

I am the housework fairy .. Wardrobe Wednesday

The sun is shining today so I really MUST get some washing done!

I'm wearing  a nana dress like my blog friend Rhiannon..
I LOVE Nana dresses..

Today I am wearing something I haven't done for  long long time... wearing tights!!

These were $3 from a shop called Shanton. where my niece works..

So to celebrate my tight-wearing  re-emergence I will insert my favourite TIGHTS ad ever. (no not the "My mum's the one in the baggy pantihose" one Remember that?)

This one:
It's a sixties ad.
It couldn't be any cooler.

Happy Days.

( dress and cardy op-shopped
tights - shanton
belt - op shopped
balloon 'twin' camper boots - trademe for a song! )

Linking to CreateHopeInspire for Wardrobe Wdnesday..


Miriam said...

love the fabric in the dress and I am such a tights lover too! Would love it if you wanted to link in with us at WW over at

Unknown said...

Yay you look GORGEOUS and I absolutely LOVE that fab ad! Sarah xxx

Curtise said...

Hope all your washing gets dry! Great frock, I love tights too (starting to need them here) and that add is fabulous! xx

bonsaimum said...

I love the colour of your tights. I wear them all the time during winter as they are warm and comfy. Its hard to get cool colours though.

CityScape Skybaby said...

Love your bright tights with your boots. Like Curtise says, we're starting to need them here, there's a distinct nip in the air. And what a cool ad! I'd never seen that picture before. xx

CityScape Skybaby said...

ooh, love your frock too, all you ladies here are seriously making me want to start making more of an effort when I get dressed. xx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Hello Op Shop mama and fellow Hamiltonian! :D Sue and I were talking about you the other day, she said you had bought something we had seen in Vinnies and vice versa! So funny, such a small world. Our paths must cross so many times, I said to Sue we should invite you to join us one day or at the very least meet for a coffee sometime. Let us know if you're keen, don't worry if not ♥

Miss Simmonds Says said...

I'm sort of looking forward to tights weather - love that 60s ad! Also love nana dresses!

Rhiannon said...

Love it! And totally wishing I could magic away my housework!