17 February 2015

Wombles and Stuff

I can't believe I am actually beginning this post - I hope I finish it! It's been a long time between drinks. My intention is to get back to regular blogging eventually... watch this space!!

Life has been tootling along.. we have been pretty good on the whole. Stan has been healthy (she touches wood hastily!) but we have ongoing issues with feeding. He is not really thriving, weight-wise , at the moment.. so that journey is a bit of a bumpy one.. 

I miss op shopping. I very occasionally have managed to pop in to an oppy enroute to somewhere else usually.. At the end of last year I got to a few SAturday Jumble Sales with a friend.. but haven't for a while. It's not very busy and the sale-ing scene at the moment.

Here's a few of the new-to-me things from the last 3 months!!

I flew in to a jumble sale that was about to pack up.. thinking there would be nothing left... and there was this sitting there waiting for me!

Crazy kitsch
and only $1.

Cheap cheep
for my kitsch birds shelf.

Very cool, built-to-last 10c toy.

The buckets open and close when the yellow trigger button is pushed. 

Wide-eyed critter. I never pay more than $2 for one of these..

Note to self: dust. fly spots.

I find fabric like this irresistable. 

Wombles cup, from 1975. Much like the cups we had as kids. I usually buy wombles stuff when I see it. It's a sentimental thing.
Like this ugly as hell Madame Cholet that was in a box of bits I bought at a jumble. She would scare the life out of me if I didn't know who she was! Not sure where to put her. LOL

Speaking of wombles, this is Stan sporting a fab towelling number I've had for MANY years. I think I may have bought this even before I had any kids. His cheeks are like that because he reacts so badly to the tape that holds his tube in. We have to switch it over every 2 or 3 days on account of that. 

One of my kids took this superhero pic before christmas. Very cool.

And, because we missed it on the blog altogether, here is the whole crew on Christmas day, in the backyard, in the christmas tees my friend gave them. 

Happy days!

( as usual, I will try to do more blog reading... I wonder what y'all are up to out there in Blogville!)


Sarah Jane said...

You have beautiful children. I want to give Stan the biggest cuddle. Poor little mite - it's a shame there's not a hypoallergenic alternative to the tube tape.

Love the jungle fabric. Perfect for a rainbow nursery :) xxx

Connie said...

Well you may not get out much. I totally understand but when you do, hoooweeee, what a haul. I love the deer and the little birds. My daughter had to be taped up when she was a baby and had the same reaction. The nurses ended up using some sort of glue to attach little Velcro patches to her temples and we stuck things to her that way. The patches got kinda gunky but it worked. Your kids are Gorgeous.

Christina said...

You can never have enough Wombles stuff! The towelling wombles suit is just great and Stan looks so adorable, I really quite fancy giving him a cuddle. Love babies.
Christmas in the backyard is what I fancy. We are usually cooped up inside with the fire on. x

Sue said...

Welcome back Linda. I love the picture of all your kids, they have grown a lot! We have to meet up this year. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely. It's great to see Stan congrats again. Fr someone who has much of a chance to op shop you still have picked up some awesome treasures in the last three months. I love it all.

Sending you much love and positive energy as you continue to go forth with Stan on your feeding journey. You're doing an amazing job mumma, take care of yourself.

Curtise said...

Hey Linda, it's good to see you, and your fabulous line-up of kiddiwinks too! Gorgeous little Stan, bet his face feels sore because of that tape, you'd think they'd have alternatives, wouldn't you?
Cute finds - blimey, the Wombles take me back! xxx

Zara said...

Love the Christmas photo of all your beautiful kids.
That little digger toy you thrifted is a real treasure.
Poor Stan with those irritating dressings. Have you tried a dressing called Comfeel. You put a strip across his cheek on the underside of the NG tube and then place the normal tape over the top so it doesn't touch his skin.

Melanie said...

Super hero, Stan! That is the cutest pic. And the photo of your family is like a movie still. How did you get them to sit still long enough!?
So great to hear from you. I'm glad you snatched a few moments to op shop. Your kitsch finds are great, especially the deer barometer for only a buck!
You'd think they'd make tape that was friendlier, wouldn't you?

Jess B said...

Lovely to hear from you!! I've thought about you and the lovely Stan a lot. I hope things begin to improve for wee Stan and he can grow, grow grow! His poor cheeks! Me and my kids have reactions to plasters like this too - though I reckon most people would after having it stuck to their face for days at a time! A cream I've found really good is called Moo Goo. No nasty steroids, plenty of natural things and REALLY effective. Look online, it's made in Oz. I can squirt you some out of my tube for you if you want to try it! All the best. xx

gabrielle said...

So good to see a post from you, I've been wondering how you are all doing. I love Stan's womble suit and the Xmas line up. I know you have probably tried every tape but wondered if you were using duoderm under the tape, it seems to work for our babies.
Great finds too

Vintage Bird Girl said...

Oh I've missed you and often wonder how you and the tribe are doing. Great finds, even if it's not quite as frequent as it used to be. Wombles are the best, we had hand knitted ones as kids. xx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I've been a bit slack on the blogging front too especially catching up on reading some! Such gorgeous kids and so many!! lol I remember watching the Wombles I can still sing the bloody song, it's so ingrained in my memory. I hope Stan's feeding problems have improved. Isn't there hypoallergenic tape available? You'd have thought they would have made some by now. Mind you I don't get on with hyper allergenic stuff, I'm just weird that way!