16 March 2014

Yip I'm still here!

My blog posts appear to be at a dismal distance from each other!
I used to do blogging in the evenings usually - now, in the evenings, I find myself wilting and usually just go to bed! Lame. 
I am trying to rectify this situation. Thank you, iron supplements. 

Op Shopping is also at an all time lame low!
I even went to the dump to drop some recycling off the other day, and I DIDN'T GO INTO THE OP SHOP there!!! WHAT??!! My husband did not believe me. I hardly believed me!!! 
(To be fair, it was a mosh pit in the car park and I couldn't be bothered hustling)

But I've popped in to the odd shop. 

Genuine 70s tank $1 Vinnies half price sale...

Classic Hornsea

Cute old Crown Lynn..

Dominion Breweries maybe?

Primo curtains that seem to have been made-to-measure for my son' s room = stoked. Half price sale ($2.50)

Homemade top from a little church oppy that is only open 2 days a week

Maybe my favourite recent new acquisition.. also from the little oppy. $3. Fits over a bump. Yayar.

Old dress for Iris.

Togs for post baby.

First bump shot! 5months.

Happy Days!!

LInked up to Thriftasaurus @ Sir Thrift-a-lot


Unknown said...

oh my god you are pregnant!!! how did i miss that! eeeeeeek! xxxxx

Unknown said...

Relax lady and don't beat yourself up for doing nothing. You are growing a person and it is an exhausting business. Love that frock that fits the bump and what a score those curtains were. Oh, and hi bump! XXX

Unknown said...

Love that tank top and the cute little floral dress - good finds :)


Curtise said...

First bump shot, yay! Oh man, being pregnant is tiring enough, but you have a whole tribe to take care of already, so no wonder you're knackered. Still managing a little treasure hunting though, that's good! xxx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I think you're doing great!! I wilt a lot lately but I ain't preggers!! It's been too hot and humid to do too much. I'm going on my 2nd Suesday of 2014 this Friday! How lame is that?? What you up to Friday, wanna meet for a coffee in Frankton??

Vintage Bird Girl said...

So nice to hear from you! But don't fret about not posting, we'll still be here when you do. Love the frocks, & I especially love the old cozzie. I seem to have a bit of an obsession with those at the moment. My passion for the op shops has dwindled a bit too. Not sure what that's about??!! Xx

Sue said...

You may not believe this but I put a cup and saucer together like that in Vinnies. I wonder if the one you got are the one I did?? I often rummage and try to make a set, it sells better even if it really doesn't match. I am a bugger for making my own displays. Hope you are looking after yourself and keeping well.

Sarah Jane said...

Can't beat a bit of Hornsea! Btw, congrats on your lovely news. You're such a brave lady xxx