This was me at the party on Friday night....
It was my great friend Dennis's 60th..
SUCH a fun night..
I had this post half done but ended up with a busy weekend so didn't finish it..
(And now I'm sitting here on Sunday 11.30 pm feeling gutted because Iris has just gone to hospital with a raging UTI.. She has been spiking 41s and vomiting intermittently for 24 hours..
She is with her daddy..)
So I'll finish the party post - I've got more photos to come of this great event... Which I will Soon-ish.
Oh no, poor Iris! You must be feeling beside yourself. Here's hoping a great big course of antibiotics clears it up in no time flat.
(Great frock too, btw!)
How awful for wee Iris....and Mummy too. I hope she is on the mend quick smart. You look beautiful! You must tell us about your outfit too. Will we get to hear you sing??? Take care. Xx
poor Iris, hope she's feeling better soon. Your dress looks fabulous
Oh poor Iris IRS awful when our little ones are sick. I hope she's on the mend soon.
Your dress by the way looks insanely cool. Is it made entirely out of retro men's ties?
Get well soon to Iris.
Dig the dress!
Love from Mum
Hope Iris is feeling better this morning. Lots of love xxxx
Hope Iris is much better now.
Lovely to see you having a blast in your finery, you look like you'd be brilliant company on a night out! x
Hope all is better with your dear little girl Iris, such a worry. Looking forward to part two, when all is better with your family.
Oh poppet.....sending love to wee Iris and a big hug to you sweet.....what a worry. I hope she is much better today.
Thinking of you.
Love V
PS you look amazing.
All my best wishes for poor little Iris. It is just awful when our kids get sick but I am always amazed by how resilient they are.
By the way, that frock (is it a tie dress?) is just amazing! Look forward to seeing more pics and hearing good news about Iris.XXX
Hope your little one feels better soon!
Well, you look awesome, but more importantly, I hope Iris is ok! Poor wee love. XXX
I hope your little one is feeling much better! You look fab! (and thanks for the mail!!!) xx
Hope Iris is feeling better now, such a worry with a high temp like that. I love your dress and hope to read all about the party soon.
Oh no, poor iris. Get well soon, and go you!
Get better Iris!
You look like soul diva! xx
Hope Iris is ok.
How's Iris doing now? Hope the antibiotics kicked in fast and she is feeling better, poor little darling.
Look at YOU! Rocking up a storm in your fancy frock, I love those pics! What did you sing? Are there videos of it? Can you post a clip? Divalicious!
PS. Loved the beads your mate gave you in the last post. Trying tryng trying to catch up on all the posts I have missed.... xxxxxx
Fantastic dress - what were you singing?
ANd poor Iris - is she better???
Sarah xxx
you look like a rock star diva...hugs to iris xxxx (missed you while i was offline with a crashed and un save-able laptop!) xxxx
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