8 April 2013


On Sunday it felt like the first day of Autumn. 
Cold start which eventuated 
into a beautiful day.

Perfect for the annual Pumpkin Festival at Hamilton Gardens. 

I love this event. Very kiwi. Very chilled out.
Iris wore a pumpkin suit and was photographed by a lot of people. She quite liked it.


SERIOUSLY I will be dreaming about this pumpkin soup and rewena (maori bread) until next year. Such a good $3 worth. Perfect.

Rock on Hamilton.
Happy Days indeed.


Mariela Santillan said...

This is so awesome! And what a cute little pumpkin you have. I've always wanted to go to one but the hubby finds those kind of things boring.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Looks great! I so need to be more aware of what's going on in Hamilton. Been here 9 yrs and still haven't seen the xmas lights at Temple view, nor the night glow or the pumpkin festival....nuffink, no nuffink at all! Sigh that the thing when you have a Lifesentence Block :D Iris looks the bees knees :D

Mum said...

Very colourful.
Love from Mum

Jess B said...

That pumpkin train! So cute. Also, we have been mobbed by the 'paparazzi' at the gardens too - for nothing more than my daughter's blonde curly hair! It was mental! They mobbed us and followed us around and terrified the poor child.

Camelia Crinoline said...

Iris looks so cute in her pumpkin suit. Doesn't she look tiny standing next to the person on the stilts. That pumpkin in the last photo is huge.

Curtise said...

Pumpkin soup, mmmm....
Iris looks so adorable, no wonder she got papped! Hope Arlo was dressed up as a pumpin too, little cutie! xxxx

Unknown said...

Fantastic picture! I love Iris' look, what a sweetie.

That's a brilliant festival!

Sft x

Vix said...

That looks like loads of fun! I do love pumpkin soup or having it in curries in India. Sadly Jon, like most Brits, loathes it, silly boy! x

two squirrels said...

Oh my goodness I have pumpkin suit envy!!!! i want a pumpkin suit...........Iris does look super cute in it.
What a fabulous day.....I love pumpkin, its my favorite veggie.
love V

Unknown said...

Oh I want to go to the pumpkin festival! And look at Iris with the paparazzi - I LOVE it!!

Sarah xxx

bonsaimum said...

What a fantastic pumpkin suit Iris has. :)

ButterandBuntings said...

Everything about this pumpkin festival looks great...the huge pumpkins..the soup..the pumkin train and the bunting. Perfect day!