14 November 2012


Due to a gun-ho pair of insulation installers, I have had no internet access..Back on now!

I have loads to post about.. but I'll just chuck these snapshots in.


Op-shopped bling for the birthday mummy

Yay a tripod! So I might be able to get a decent photo from time to time!!

A 10 year old in the house.. (the cake is a x-box controller - he is very screen-obsessed and would LOVE to have a REAL x-box 360 bless him.)  Sleepover with 6 other 10 year olds.. excellent fun!

Beautiful boy

Birthday Irises

Yesterday hanging with my girls at Mavis & Co 

Yesterday's op-shopping adventure.

More to come with a recent finds post, eventually!

And I have a lot of your blog action to catch up on!!

Happy Days!


Lynn Hasty said...

Yay for being back!! Oh, no internet! Poo. Love the pictures of the little ones. And what a bag sale! I would love to go to one; it's been awhile!


one denim bird said...

Yep hoorah for internet access and jeepers creepers $2 bag sale!! I'd have been in heaven! Kids look adorable as per usual and loving mummas bling!

Curtise said...

Tripod, yippee! So was it your birthda as well as your boy's? If so - Happy Birthday, Linda! (It is Linda, isn't it? Or have I totally made that up..? If I am wrong, I do apologise, I don't think you have your name anywhere on your blog for me to check!)
My lad would have adored that cake instead of my wonky effort, he's all about the electronic gadgetry. Love the Iris/irises pics.
Looking forward to seeing what you found. xxxx

Anonymous said...

Birthday love, being sent.
Yay for the tri-pod. If I didn't have one I'd never get any shots for the blog.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Was that 'fill a bag' pic taken at Prisk St! COs if it was WE WOZ THERE!! Blimey shits..I mean ships that pass in the night! Happy belated birthday! ♥

bonsaimum said...

Happy Birthday- glad you are back. :) Did you make the controller cake? If so--wow.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you and to your boy!!
Your kids are all so beautiful and there is a wonderful Iris behind the irises!I'd love to go to a 'fill a bag for $2' sale,sounds exciting, can't wait to see your finds!

lasophia said...

How sweet is baby boy! And that cake. I love your cakes. You are an awesome mummy and very inspiring. I'd fill a bag with you any day.

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Bloody cheek of the tradies to interrupt your interwebz connection! A blessed tripod - what a fabulous present! Happy birthday to you and Mr Mad-Keen X-Boxer:)) xoxoxo

Sue said...

Happy Birthday and big thumbs up and a high five for the tri=pod!!!! My boys were xbox, well anything with a controller mad but the deal was they could have one only if they got given one,or saved up and bought one them selves. I was not keen to have such things in the house. Eventually the eldest saved and got one and that was that. I even kicked arse on some game with one of his mates even tho' I didn't have the slightest idea what I was doing!!

Astrid said...

Birthdays and a bag sale! Those are Happy Days!~ Enjoy

Miss Simmonds Says said...

sob sob - I want a go at the fill a bag for $2! love all those necklaces worn together... great idea x

Unknown said...

Hope you both had a lovely birthday!

Looking forward to seeing what you filled your bag with.

Sft x